How long does postpartum actually last? (hint: more than 3 months) What’s the deal with breastfeeding while pregnant? What’s the ideal time between pregnancies? Amanda sits down with Patti Quintero, MA, E-RYT, RPYT, Vedic meditation teacher, birth doula, and founder of Uma Mother. They dive into the pros and cons of epidurals, conception tips for endometriosis, and what postpartum moms really need.
Curious about a specific topic? Here’s what they cover:
- The power of birth stories (1:45)
- Conception-prep (8:20)
- Relationship you have with your body (9:45)
- Continual stress removal (11:50)
- Pre-conception prep (14:00)
- The impact of what are you consuming (16:00)
- How to get in touch with intuition (17:00)
- Spirit babies (19:35)
- Birth statistics in the US (23:10)
- Increase in interventions and inductions (26:35)
- Safety of birthing at home vs hospital (30:30)
- Being mindful of the practitioner you’re choosing (34:45)
- High risk hospitals (38:32)
- Placenta (39:55)
- Cord clamping and cutting (43:15)
- Birthing the placenta (45:35)
- Consuming the placenta (47:25)
- Partners during birth (51)
- Preeclampsia (54:50)
- Timing in between pregnancies (57:02)
- Bouncing back postpartum (1:00:15)
- Conceiving with endometriosis (1:02:15)
- Conception after 40 (1:04:05)
- Postpartum and age (1:07:10)
- Fourth trimester (1:08:22)
- Breastfeeding while pregnant (1:13:34)
- Breastfeeding saliva seal (1:16:30)
- Herbs and adaptogens during pregnancy (1:22:00)
- Does size affect ability to birth naturally (1:26:45)
- Tearing (1:30:23)
- The ring of fire (1:38:00)
- Pros and cons of epidurals (1:41:50)
- Managing discomfort and pain (1:47:50)
- Healing grief after birth (1:57:37)

Watch the full interview here or listen below.
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