Kahryn Pedroza is a writer, intuitive-intersectional wellness educator, and national board certified health and wellness coach. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with a double minor in Sociology and Health Studies from the University of San Francisco. She combines this education with certifications in functional medicine health coaching and yoga teaching and her own rhetorical knack to communicate in person, online, and in print about the intersectionality and accessibility of health, wellness, sustainability, spirituality, and intentional living.

If you’re wrestling with sleep disturbances and find yourself in the pursuit of a good night’s sleep, the solution might be closer than you think. In fact, it may be in your kitchen! Melatonin, the natural hormone responsible for regulating your sleep-wake cycle, plays a crucial role in achieving restorative sleep. Research shows that Melatonin-rich foods can enhance sleep quality and quantity, and consuming them may significantly increase Melatonin levels in your body. Melatonin can promote better sleep and come to the rescue when facing the effects of jet lag, shift work, and insomnia.

In this article, we'll explore a variety of foods with Melatonin— 12 plant-based options that can become valuable additions to your diet. These foods are not just flavorful; they're potential game-changers, aiding you in falling asleep faster and sleeping deeper. If you feel like you’ve tried all other sleep remedies, a simple shift in your diet might be the key to resetting your circadian rhythm and ensuring better sleep.

1. Strawberries

While not all fruits share high Melatonin content, strawberries stand out as a melatonin-rich option that may be able to promote healthy sleep. Consider blending them into a smoothie with other melatonin-rich foods (as seen in the list below). This not only adds a burst of flavor to your nutrient-dense drink but also elevates your internal Melatonin concentration. By combining strawberries with other sleep-supportive ingredients, you can provide your body with the adequate Melatonin levels it needs to facilitate a natural and restful sleep.

2. Pistachios

Pistachios have the highest concentration of Melatonin among nuts. Beyond their Melatonin richness, their additional benefits support quality sleep. With a high amount of phytochemicals and antioxidants, pistachios contribute to the body's recovery from oxidative stress, promoting better sleep as a result. Incorporating these sleep-enhancing nuts into your diet or bedtime routine not only introduces a potent source of Melatonin but also provides a flavorful and nutrient-dense addition to your day.

3. Tart Cherries

Tart cherries are a fruit known for their high Melatonin content. Research suggests that drinking tart cherry juice can significantly improve various sleep issues, like insomnia, and the duration of time awake after sleep onset. Adding tart cherry juice to your bedtime routine could offer a natural boost to your Melatonin levels and potentially enhance your sleep quality.

4. Mushrooms

Research has found that mushrooms, such as porcini, white, brown, portobello, and Reishi varieties, contain worthwhile concentrations of Melatonin. Incorporating these foods high in Melatonin into your dinners is a flavorful strategy to boost Melatonin levels and prepare your body for healthy sleep.

5. Grapes

Including grapes, whether red or green, in your midday snack is a sweet and straightforward way to boost your body's Melatonin and antioxidant levels naturally. However, it's important to note that Melatonin is primarily found in the skin of grapes, so opting for whole grapes over grape juice ensures you get the full sleep-supportive benefits.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes range in Melatonin levels based on seasonality and type, but overall, they contain higher levels compared to other fruits and vegetables. Incorporating tomatoes into your diet, whether enjoyed as a snack or added to sauces during mealtime, provides an effortless way to introduce more sleep-supportive Melatonin throughout the day.

7. Oats 

Oats, being naturally high in Melatonin, can be a beneficial addition to your breakfast routine or evening snack. While they won't induce immediate drowsiness, incorporating oats into your meals increases Melatonin concentration in your body, laying the groundwork for a more supported and restful night's sleep. Adding a serving of this food source to your daily diet not only increases healthy fiber intake but also contributes to the gradual increase of Melatonin levels.

8. Cranberries 

Cranberries are rich in Melatonin, offering a natural source of this sleep-supportive hormone. Consider incorporating no-sugar-added organic cranberry juice into your routine or eat them in their natural state if you’re looking to achieve good sleep. Whether added to snacks or blended into smoothies, these little berries can contribute to enhancing your sleep quality.

9. Rice

Whole grain rice and black rice have been found to contain concentrated amounts of natural Melatonin. To boost your internal Melatonin levels and promote sound sleep, rotate different rice types when incorporating them into your meals. Adding variety to your rice choices not only enhances the flavors in your dishes but also provides a simple and versatile way to support better sleep.

10. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers boast significantly high levels of Melatonin. Incorporate them into your meals creatively, whether through a veggie stir fry or as additions to lunches, dinners, or snacks throughout the day. This not only enhances the nutritional content of your dishes but also provides a convenient way to support your sleep naturally. With their vibrant colors and range of flavors, this food source can be a tasty addition to your sleep-supportive diet.

11. Almonds

Almonds are known for their high Melatonin content, ranking second only to pistachios among nuts. It’s important to note that processing can reduce natural melatonin levels, so consider choosing raw, organic sources when possible. Once a high quality source has been selected, add them to smoothies, salads, or snacks on a handful throughout the day to increase Melatonin levels.

12. Lentils

Lentils have been identified as a fiber-rich source of Melatonin, but not all varieties are equal. Research shows sprouted lentils have even higher Melatonin levels — so if you're aiming to aid sleep, consider sprouting your lentils before incorporating them into your meals. Sprouting lentils can elevate their melatonin content and make them easier to digest, promoting a happy gut and quality sleep.

Supplement Your Diet With Sleepy Magnesi-Om®

When life gets busy, and you're searching for a convenient way to fall asleep without the pressure of maintaining a perfect Melatonin-rich diet, sip on Sleepy Magnesi-Om® before bed. Formulated to promote relaxation, reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and support sleep quality, the formula combines a microdose of plant-based Melatonin, 2 bioavailable forms of Magnesium, and L-Theanine.* This synergistic blend of Magnesium and Melatonin is a gentle and natural way to support your sleep.*

Incorporate this Magnesium and Melatonin supplement to sleep fast, sleep deep, and signal to your body that it's time for rest while realigning circadian rhythms.* Dissolves instantly in water, tastes like organic blackberries, and has zero sugar. Wondering how much Melatonin you should take? Our formula eliminates the guesswork with the perfect microdose to support your sleep without the groggy feeling when you wake up.

Tips to Incorporate Melatonin-Rich Foods into Your Diet

Incorporating Melatonin-rich foods into your daily routine doesn't have to be a daunting task. Here are some practical tips to make eating for sleep a seamless and enjoyable experience:

  • Gradual Integration: Don't feel pressure to add all these foods into your diet at once. Instead, start by identifying a few from the list that you enjoy or are excited to try.
  • Creativity Is Key: Find creative ways to incorporate these Melatonin-rich foods throughout the day. Whether it's adding berries to your morning smoothie, snacking on nuts, or experimenting with new plant-based recipes, think of it as a fun experiment.
  • Prioritize Quality and Sourcing: Consider the quality and sourcing of the Melatonin-rich foods you choose. Opt for organic options when possible, ensuring you get the maximum benefits without unnecessary additives.
  • Embrace Imperfection: Remember, perfection is not the goal, high quality sleep is! There will be days when you can plan and prepare meals with ingredients high in Melatonin, and there will be busier times when you're on the go. Do the best you can, and on days when sleep takes a hit, consider the convenience of a dietary supplement like our Magnesi-Om to sleep fast and deep.*

By approaching the addition of Melatonin-rich foods with flexibility and creativity, you can effortlessly eat a diet that supports a better night's sleep.

Cellular Waters


Melatonin plays a crucial role in regulating your sleep-wake cycle. However, the demands of modern life can often disrupt the body's natural production, leading to various sleep issues. Whether your sleep has been disrupted by long travel days, exposure to artificial lighting, late-night screen time, or erratic work schedules, Melatonin-rich foods can help make it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling well-rested. By integrating these 12 melatonin-rich foods into your diet, you can support your body in maintaining optimal melatonin levels.

When incorporating melatonin-rich foods into your routine, embrace a thoughtful and flexible approach. Eating a sleep-supportive diet should be enjoyable and sustainable! And when life gets hectic or sleep is disrupted, take Sleepy Magnesi-Om® for a quick, natural way to fall asleep and stay asleep.*
