Adaptogen Glossary

Adaptogens are stress-busting herbs and mushrooms that can help the body find balance in the face of daily stress. Used for centuries in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Adaptogen Glossary

Adaptogens are stress-busting herbs and mushrooms that can help the body find balance in the face of daily stress. Used for centuries in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Ashwagandha Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha LEARN MORE

Primary Benefit: Spirit and Dream
Ashwagandha is the potent flowering shrub that is relied upon heavily in Ayurveda to harmonize mind, body, and spirit. Clinically shown to help reduce stress and regulate cortisol levels, enhance focus and mental stamina, reduce irritability and stress-related cravings. In addition to its primary spirit and dream benefits, Ashwagandha supports brain and power.*

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Astragalus Astragalus
Astragalus Astragalus

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Primary Benefit: Power
Native to parts of the Middle East, as well as Korea and Mongolia, the roots of this flowering plant have long been prescribed by Traditional Chinese Medicine to fight off emotional stress. Astragalus is traditionally used to support immunity, brain and emotional wellbeing. In addition to its primary power benefits, Astragalus supports spirit and brain.*

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Cordyceps Cordyceps
Cordyceps Cordyceps

Cordyceps LEARN MORE

Primary Benefit: Power
Cordyceps were traditionally gathered from the Himalayas in Bhutan and Tibet. Forced to adapt to high altitudes, lower oxygen levels, and freezing temperatures, these small, very rare mushrooms evolved to thrive, making them one of the most potent plant medicines today. Cordyceps work to increase energy and endurance, encourage lung health and capacity, and support the immune system. In addition to its primary power benefits, Cordyceps supports spirit and sex.*

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Mucuna Mucuna
Mucuna Mucuna


Primary Benefit: Spirit
Mucuna, used in Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and shamanic medicine, is native to tropical areas of Africa and Asia. Mucuna is a potent psychoactive. Its natural bounty of L-dopa supplies the brain with the fuel to create more of the beneficial neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Able to nourish and revitalize the whole body, it supports mental and physical health with both invigorating and calming effects. In addition to its primary spirit benefits, Mucuna supports brain and sex.*

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Reishi Reishi
Reishi Reishi


Primary Benefit: Brain, Dream, and Spirit
This mushroom grows on trees in the United States, Asia, and even parts of the Amazon, under a wide range of conditions. Reishi has been crowned queen healer by traditional Chinese herbalists for centuries because of its ability to strengthen the heart and mind, allowing you to unlock creativity and connect. This super mushroom is a brain nourisher, immune supporter, energizer, stress reliever, and beauty food. In addition to its primary brain, dream, and spirit benefits, Reishi supports power.*

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Rhodiola Rhodiola
Rhodiola Rhodiola


Primary Benefit: Brain
Rhodiola has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and grows at some of the highest altitudes on Earth. This hardy plant can be found in the Arctic areas of Eastern Europe and Asia. Rhodiola traditionally helps to support mental clarity, cognitive function, and endurance. It also supports concentration and helps reduce fatigue. In addition to its primary brain benefits, Rhodiola supports spirit and power.*

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Schisandra Schisandra
Schisandra Schisandra

Schisandra LEARN MORE

Primary Benefit: Beauty
Native to the harshest climates of China, Schisandra is a red berry found on vines. Prized in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a longevity and beauty berry, this antioxidant-rich tonic repairs the cell and tissue damage that speed up the aging process while improving skin and liver health by nourishing from within. In addition to its primary beauty benefits, Schisandra supports brain, power, and spirit.*

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Shatavari Shatavari
Shatavari Shatavari

Shatavari LEARN MORE

Primary Benefit: Sex
Used in Ayurveda and grown throughout Nepal, India, and Sri Lanka, this powerful plant from the asparagus family is harvested for its thick, succulent roots. It’s a powerful aphrodisiac and traditionally used to support sexual health. It has been called “the female Viagra.” Shatavari supports healthy hormonal balance throughout each phase of life. In addition to its primary sex benefits, Shatavari supports beauty and power.*

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with adaptogens.

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